Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day of a salesman!

Sitting in a dingy room,
with a deep aura of gloom,
by a brown desk and a chair,
gently twirling my brown lock of hair,
I swirl around using my feet
thinking how to make the targets meet
not just to simply face the challenges
but also to stand and greet?

Money is short and tight,
but incentives are gay and bright,
With a twinkle in a eye
and a goal to take the share in a profit pie,
I gently take out my cold calling plan,
to see who can be part of my clients' clan?
Out of the names of eighty-nine,
I close my eyes and let my finger find,
the name and door to go and knock,
give my brochure and let the presentation rock!

I rehearse my opening speech,
dab a lotion smelling wild peach,
With a broad smile,
I walk down the aisle,
and bestow the visiting card to the frontdesk,
confirming the appointment in a tone that is little husk,
I expresse my gratitude,
and move towards the cabin little crude.

With a story I start,
I explain BizMerlin is a complete piece of art,
it brings your stakeholders together,
binds all employees in a tight manner,
tells you not only who does what,
but also which opportunity is hot!
Find out which task is lagging behind,
or which project is in a deep grind.

My voice softens
as his eyes brightens,
He asks for another presentation,
I gently give my confirmation,
we exchange numbers,
with a promise to get all his answers,
I walk out
as light as a cloud!